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Rest 1-2 minutes between rounds.

Rest 15-30 seconds between exercises.


5 Minutes Mobility.

WARM-UP x3: 30 sec. ON, 10 sec. OFF

  1. Burpee Toes To Bar

  2. Reverse Lunge + High Knee Jump (Left)

  3. Reverse Lunge + High Knee Jump (Right)

  4. Low Plank Side To Side

  5. Plank Jack + In & Out

SET #1 AMRAP × 24 MIN.

  1. Hanging Leg Raises ×15

  2. Laying Leg Flutters ×35 sec.

  3. Hanging Windshield Wipers ×12

  4. Star Crunch (Left) ×15

  5. Star Crunch (Right) ×15

  6. Hollow Body Rocks ×35 sec.

SET #2 AMRAP × 12 MIN.

  1. Front Squat ×12

  2. Deadlift ×8

  3. Explosive Bulgarian Split Squat ×8 each.

  4. Box Jump ×15


5 Minutes Stretch.

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